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GRS V-Point Gravers

GRS V-Point Gravers

For Engravers, Stone Setters, and Jewelers: Now GRS offers a family of V-shaped gravers made from GlenSteel HSS. These new tools have a precision ground V-Point geometry on one end with a convenient 3/32" square shank on the other. They come in 60, 75, 105, and 120 points. You just sharpen the face, add your style of heel, and use. What is GlenSteel? GlenSteel is a special High-Speed Steel (HSS) made by GRS. It features outstanding toughness to resist breaking and chipping, even in slender, fine shapes. It wears predictably to help eliminate catastrophic tool failures that ruin your work and your confidence. GlenSteel is an excellent all-around choice for professionals and hobbyists when a tough graver is needed. It's also cobalt-free so you aren't exposed to cobalt dust when sharpening.

Item# Item Name

Our Price
Qty Add
022592 GRS GRAVER V-POINT 105* #92
022593 GRS GRAVER V-POINT 120* #93
022590 GRS GRAVER V-POINT 60* #90 022-590
022591 GRS GRAVER V-POINT 75* #91
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