Filled with a special material that softens when heated to hold small, fragile, or irregular pieces for engraving, setting and finishing. Fits any vise or engraving block.
The GRS PitchBowl and PitchCup are made to hold irregular or fragile
pieces including gun parts, jewelry, fossil specimens, and more. The
GRS PitchBowl is designed to mount onto any GRS vise by clamping the
jaws to the 3/4" (19.06 mm) wide bar mounted on the bottom side of the
bowl. The smaller PitchCup has a 1/8" (3.18 mm) wide bar for mounting
in the jaws of the BenchMate series of tools.
These products are filled with an asphalt-base material called “pitch”.
There are several ways to embed an object into the pitch. The most
common is to heat the pitch and push the part into it until it reaches the
desired depth. Another method that works well for some pieces is to
heat the piece itself and place it on the unheated pitch. Some users like
to heat both the pitch and the part. A small propane torch works fine as
a heat source, but care is necessary to avoid overheating the pitch. A
superior heat source is an electric heat gun.
Once the pitch has set firmly, the embedded part is ready for use. When
the work is completed, reheat the pitch and remove the piece. Some
parts can be removed without reheating the pitch. Pitch that adheres to
the part can be removed with a degreasing solvent.
A little experience will help considerably in developing a good technique
for using a these products. You will find that your GRS PitchBowl and
PitchCup have several unique uses that ordinary holding methods will
not accommodate.
Softening the
From above, heat the surface
of the pitch with a torch or
heat gun.
When using a torch, DO
NOT put the flame against
the pitch. If material starts to
smoke, the flame is too close.
Soften the surface, not
melt it, with the heat waves. Test the surface
with the edge of a coin or tool
until the desired softness is
obtained. Carefully press the
item you want held into the
softened material and
let cool.
Remove the item by heating
the pitch the same way
and then lift the item out.
Cleaning the Pitch
Soften, then pick out debris with a knife or tweezers.
Wipe cooled material with degreasing solvent.